miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2019

ISA Forum 2020 en Porto Alegre: The Role of Social Capital in Occupational Mobility

The Role of Social Capital in Occupational Mobility

RC28 Social Stratification (host committee)

Language: Spanish and English
Session Type: Oral
ISA Forum

How much does the social capital of individuals contribute to their occupational mobility? The social capital perspective on social mobility challenged the alleged association between education and upward mobility by considering opportunities and constraints from social interaction. We expect that, after controlling for individual qualifications, the structure of individuals social relations shows a strong association with their mobility outcomes. This topic has seldom been studied in Latin America where recent studies have focused on patterns of occupational mobility. Contributions on the following topics will be welcome:
-Studies on access and mobilization of social capital. Under what conditions individuals mobilize the resources available through social contacts.
-Direction of effects and causality in the use of social capital. Is it attainment or mobility a consequence or a condition for the quality of social capital?
-Intersectionality issues in the access and use of social capital; gender, race, ethnic origin, religion, geography.
-Measurement of social capital using the position generator and validation of composite measures.
-Statistical models for access and/or mobilization of social capital.

Session Organizers:
Vicente ESPINOZA, USACH, Chile, vicente.espinoza@usach.cl
Emmanuelle BAROZET, Universidad de Chile, Chile, ebarozet@uchile.cl


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